Lately, we’ve been excitedly watching from the sidelines as many of our long-time clients expand their businesses into new areas. Today, blogger Gala Darling launched Radical Self Love Salon, an in-person workshop with a very intimate format that allows her readers to really connect with her one-on-one.
We created the branding in two formats for this event since she needed so much collateral, from tote bags to social media specific graphics. It’s nice to have a variety of lockups so the application across all these touch points doesn’t feel stale. The first is more traditional and stacked which will be used for flyers and places where there’s more information like the venue, dates and times included. The second, a heart lockup, is for specialty graphics like tote bags and pieces where some decorative flair is needed.
Because we built an extensive brand guide for Gala, it’s made expanding into these new avenues really easy — with her font families and color palette firmly established, we can usually knock these new assets out in one take, saving everyone a whole lot of time.
Congratulations to Gala on her new venture! Find out more about the event right here.
Special thanks to Made U Look for the top photo!