The sentiment “Go big or go home” definitely applies to teacher, burlesque performer and author Kitty Cavalier. She has bold ideas and isn’t afraid to act on them! A few months back, Kitty approached us about designing a print workbook that she could use at her retreats but within a week, she’d reframed the idea: what about publishing a full length book instead?
170 pages later, Kitty’s first book, Sacred Seduction is available for sale! It’s so much more than just a book, though. Kitty sums it up best when she claims that it’s “Part ode. Part archeological dig. Part memoir. Part mentoring. Part gallery, part recipe book, part Pinterest board.”
As you can imagine, the most difficult part of this project wasn’t necessarily the length or the amount of content. Instead, it was establishing a design system. When working on a project of this scope, a very defined system needs to be in place from day one to keep the book feeling cohesive. We started off by coming up with templates and color schemes for chapter intros, activities, photos and pages of body copy. By having this structure in place from the very beginning, we were able to style the book quickly and succinctly.
Measuring at 6 x 9 inches and perfect bound, this full color trade paperback is a force to be reckoned with. After reading it, you’ll not only fall in love with Kitty but also understand the art of seduction on a whole new level. Hint: seduction isn’t actually what you think it means.
We’ve got our copy. Do you have yours? —Shauna