Miracle Worker is a digital course dedicated to helping you find your next career opportunity and was created by two Branch clients, Gala Darling and Ellen Fondiler.
The premise behind Miracle Worker is that life is too short to be unhappy with your work situation. The thing is, a lot of us are pre-programmed from a young age to think that a job is just a job — it’s a means to an end. Gala and Ellen are here to shatter those beliefs and get you motivated to seek out what you really want while remaining accountable with weekly interviews and assignments.
Branding Miracle Worker was an interesting challenge because while Gala is the queen of fuchsia, Ellen prefers soft blues and oranges. In the end, we combined key colors from their brand palettes into a vibrant gradient.
The Miracle Worker icon is also rich with meaning. Besides being an interlocking M and W, the formation is also a loose interpretation of the ancient rune Dagaz, which symbolizes transformation and awakening.
With the branding in place, we moved onto creating Miracle Worker’s digital course materials including worksheets, workbooks and transcript guides along with promotional graphics.
Everything has a clean, energetic look that seamlessly merges Gala’s and Ellen’s personalities and we we’ve been so excited to watch their success with hundreds of students.
If you’d like to learn more about Miracle Worker and sign up for the next class cycle, you can do so here.