Courage is doing things anyway despite the fear you may feel.
This week marks 7 years of Branch being in business and I still remember the day I walked out of my stable dream job to start the studio. The pull was so strong that even though I was scared, I knew I had to give it my best shot and accept the outcome.
At this time seven years ago, I began running the studio from a spare room at home…and 800+ projects, a few studio spaces, one big move to Palm Springs and plenty of design support from @sam.saco, it’s going strong.
Has it been easy? Far from it. But I always knew it was the right choice because no matter how difficult a day was, I would wake up the next morning with the enthusiasm and drive to try again. Giving up was never an option. And after showing up day after day, year after year, things began to settle into a more regular routine and feel more manageable. It just takes time.
Funny enough, right when you think you finally have a grasp on things, life will throw curveballs to keep you on your toes. This photo was taken on a day in mid-March when I felt the fear kick in big-time. As I was on-set and a few thousand miles from home, the country began closing down in the midst of the pandemic. I got a call that my flight had been canceled. It felt like everything was shifting in real time and I didn’t know what the next steps were…but I knew I had to be brave and stay focused. The above image was the outcome. Projecting calm in the midst of chaos.
Curveballs still get thrown on a daily basis — my must-do list shifts constantly no matter how hard I try to stay on track and some days I’m at my desk before 5 am to get a head-start. 7 years in, it’s still not easy. But…the good things never are. I wouldn’t change a thing.
Here’s to 7 more years.
Much love, Shauna