I wanted to share a more personal post about one of the most important attributes to having a successful creative career on your terms: staying curious.
If you’re ever feeling stuck, the number one thing you can do is to stay curious. If you can remain open to possibility, when you least expect it, the answer you’re seeking will come.
A year ago, I signed up for a reiki session with Sarah, admittedly not knowing much about it beyond the basics. I’d been feeling stuck in my business since I’d moved to a Palm Springs. That had been such a huge goal of mine for a long time that once that was crossed off my list, I was left wondering, “what’s next?” I knew I was capable of doing more than just design but was unsure of where exactly that led.
I wanted to evolve but was annoyed that I couldn’t figure out what that framed up as in a tangible way. Then…the reiki session happened and all hell broke loose. As I laid down on the floor flat on my back, I kept an open mind as Sarah started shifting the energy. A few minutes in, a phrase popped into my head, repeating in a loop. “I have to teach.” I sat up afterwards, scribbling down the note. TEACH WHAT?!! It was a start though…whatever block was there was at least beginning to dissipate.
We kept talking, trying to untangle the message and what I realized is that I’d only been using my creative side for years and the more analytical side of who I am had been very dormant. I had so much collected kowledge to share that was just sitting there, waiting to get out.
Since that initial energy shift, I’ve interestingly had multiple teaching opportunities come my way with very little effort. 4 landed in my inbox since that session and I’ve moved forward with 3 in the last year.
Those smaller opportunities have built up towards finally helping me break through some limiting beliefs I’ve held onto for a long time and I’m finally working on the creative course I originally scribbled down as an idea on my studio wall 7 years ago.
I wanted to share this with you because we all have inklings of something feeling off or the sense that we should be doing something slightly different…and instead of ignoring those feelings, stay curious and open to the possibilities. Explore what arises instead of pushing it back down.
You don’t have to have all the answers to begin moving forward. All that you need is a commitment to stay curious and an open, observant mind to notice the signs that begin dropping to take you towards your new path. Slowly but surely, answers you’re looking for will surface. -Shauna
Photo by Ashley Marie Myers.